Astrology has been in my life for as long as I can remember. My dear friend Susan Miller ( is world-reknown for her expertise:
Q: Your horoscopes often emphasize long-term cycles. How can readers use astrology to navigate significant life transitions, such as career changes or relationships, with
A. Astrology is the mathematical study of short and long cycles, and I address both types of cycles. Venus, Mercury, and Mars orbit very close to Earth, and they are called the “personal” planets—they make each day a little different. Venus is about fun, love, and luxury. When she makes an aspect to her lover Mars, sparks of love are generated, especially for singles looking for love. Venus governs parties, weddings, jewelry, flowers, perfume, cosmetics, fine chocolates and wines, and the nicest parts of life. Venus generally spends three to five weeks in each sign she visits. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Mercury governs the nuts and bolts of life—contracts and agreements, facts and figures, and travel and communication. Mercury also rules the tools you use to do your job, many of them being electronic or machines with gears. Mercury also rules eyeglasses, reading, and the publishing and broadcasting industries. Mercury typically spends two to three weeks in a sign.
Mercury retrogrades three times a year, and when that happens, Mercury spends much more time in the sign he happens to be visiting up to 10 weeks. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Mars is the action planet, and it’s important to note where Mars is at any one time, for Mars helps you focus and be productive in the area it’s is highlighting in your life. Mars will coax you to be more assertive, motivated, determined, courageous, and energetic about going after goals related to the area of the chart Mars is touring.
Ancient astrologers called Mars “the timekeeper of the zodiac”—Mars gives you the
opportunity to perfect your timing and see productivity in each area of your life. Mars takes
two years to circle the zodiac and spends approximately six weeks in each sign, longer when Mars retrogrades (which also happens every two years). Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.
Jupiter and Saturn come next in the solar system lineup and are the planets that give life substance and meaning. Found in the middle of the solar system—the Goldilocks region—they move not too fast nor too slow, but just the right speed to give impact and help you complete goals of high priority, and although they are somewhat opposite in nature, they both are very effective in helping you capture your dream goal. Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck—it is the planet of good fortune. Jupiter’s mission is to make you happy and to bring you lucky (even miraculous) breaks in life. Jupiter is also tied to strong financial growth and expands everything it touches. It takes 12 years for Jupiter to circle the Sun, and Jupiter spends one year in each sign he visits. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and, in ancient days, Pisces. Modern astrologers look to Jupiter for both signs in deciphering your
Saturn teaches that the accomplishments we are proudest of in life are the ones we worked the hardest to grasp. Saturn teaches self-discipline, the value of structure, and of thinking about—and making plans for—the long road ahead. Saturn takes 29 years to circle the Sun, spending nearly three years in each sign he visits. Saturn is a taskmaster and sets up a series of tests to toughen you up and impart wisdom so that you can handle anything life throws at you. Saturn rules Capricorn, and in ancient days, Aquarius—today astrologers acknowledge Saturn’s role in both sign. The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are so slow moving that they affect entire
generations of people, with the emphasis each planet puts in the sign they are touring. Yet they also affect each of us on an individual level.
Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, spending approximately seven years in each sign
Uranus visits. This planet rules the surprises we experience in life—both thrilling and the not-so-welcome—those unpredictable events we all experience occasionally. Uranus rules
idiosyncratic behavior and rebellion, but also logic, intellectual investigation, creativity in
mathematics, and science. And above all—innovation. Uranus rules Aquarius. Neptune is the planet ruling artistic expression, creativity, music, art, sculpture, architecture, design, and much more. Neptune is the planet of great imagination, intuition, dreams and symbols, prayer, religion, and all spirituality. It is the planet of unconditional love. It rules compassion, selflessness, and self-sacrifice so that your beloved can benefit. Neptune also rules all bodies of water—the ocean, lakes, and brooks, as some examples, along with the rain, storms, floods, and fog. Neptune’s waters at times stir emotions. Neptune, when poorly aspected, can bring confusion or disillusion. Neptune takes 168 years to circle Sun and spends 14 years in each sign it visits. Neptune rules Pisces. Pluto is, and will always be, classified as a planet, even though it’s small and spins on the very periphery of the solar system. Pluto rules the resources that have to be extracted from the earth—oil, precious jewels, rare earth minerals, and so forth. It has a very strong link to finance, money, and valuables. Pluto is a powerhouse planet that rules deep transformation and memorable life changes. Pluto also rules eliminations, endings, and rebirth. Pluto can stay in a sign anywhere from 12 to 30 years, for its orbit is elliptical rather than circular. It takes 248 years for Pluto to circle the Sun.
We have not discussed the 12 houses of the horoscope—they cover all the area of life. Think of the planets as the actors, the houses as the setting of the play, and the zodiac signs as the costumes they wear and the situations they enter into.
When two or more planets come within 8 to 10 degrees of each other in a certain angle, they communicate with one another. Yet you cannot look at just one aspect—you must look at the entire solar system and the conversations all the planets are having with each other and how they relate to the planets in your natal birth chart.
Here is another point to consider: There will never be another you—your birth chart is
completely unique. Even twins do not have the same chart. The smallest mathematical
difference in two charts can change the personality, talents, and proclivities enormously. Due to the disparate movements of the planets, your chart will never be replicated in time, space, or geography.
The fact that you are unique in this world means you must sing the song in your heart—not the song your parents chose for you or that your professor suggested or the vocation your mate wants you to follow. You need to follow your own heart. Many people only see astrological predictions in the newspaper but never realize the layers of meaning that support the foundation of the subject. Astrology is a beautifully complex discipline, and the petals of the flower continue to open as you are ready to learn more. At first,
your brain could not possibly absorb and make sense of all the detail—you need to have patience. It took me 12 years to become proficient in astrology. I am accredited by the International Society of Astrologic Research, an international organization, and certification is given by a panel of judges. The thing to remember is that astrology is not about predestination. Astrology is not fortune telling. I can show you your influences, but you have free will and can and will react to those
influences as you wish. You may decide not to take advantage of a beneficial aspect because of other things going on in your life at the time and the priorities you have made for yourself at a particular moment in time. Said another way, to best use astrology, you must partner with the universe—the stars may create a compelling, beneficial aspect, but if you don’t respond, nothing much will likely happen. Astrology is not a cookbook of simple interpretations—it takes time and thinking to get the
meaning of the symbols. For example, TV producers ask me, “Who will win the election?” I always say I that I have no idea—we have to vote. A person with a favorable chart might
become complacent, while an opposing candidate with a less favorable chart could work harder and win. (Difficult aspects bring much more energy to the person who has them than to the person with heavenly trines and other blessed aspects—it is the way the universe helps you
cope with whatever you face.) Astrology can give you an enormous advantage in life if you work with the cycles instead of against them. I have described all the interpretations for you in my annual The Year Ahead Astrological Calendar (in this case for 2025) through my daily forecasts for each sign on my app
(available on Apple and Google Play) “Astrology Zone Horoscopes” ($4.99 a month) as well as my monthly forecast for free on my website (also on my app) found on Reading my monthly forecast will give you a bird’s eye view of the feel of the month, and as
said, it is found on I hope to write a manuscript for The Year Ahead 2025 and publish it as in e-book. I am working on that now. All my work—daily, monthly,
yearly—interlocks into a whole, and is meant to give you a clear picture of the year. My mission is to provide you with a blueprint from which you can plan your biggest initiations.
Getting back to your question, for a person new to astrology: First, along with the day, month, year, and city of your birth, you need to find out your precise
time of birth. Then calculate your natal chart on my website for free—you will get an interpretation, written by me, for free by going to: When asked to choose the algorithm, choose “Placidus Tropical” from the drop-down menu. If
you cannot find your time of birth from your original, handwritten birth certificate, you will not
know your ascendant, considered vitally important in astrology. (The computer copies of your
birth certificate available at the DMV will not reveal your time of birth.)
However, if you simply can’t get the time of birth, choose to run the chart with a sunrise
calculation from the drop-down menu. A sunrise chart will at least tell you what sign your
planets were in at your birth, which is very helpful—but you won’t have your ascendant sign,
also known as your rising sign.
Once you have your birth chart, remember your Sun sign and rising sign—they will never
change—and they are vital to know. The ascendant is the sign that was on the eastern horizon
at the precise time you were born.
After you have your chart, always read for your Sun sign AND your rising sign. If you only read
for one or the other, you will not have a full, panoramic view of the information you need from
my monthly or daily forecasts.
Finally, always watch what I say about the new and full moons each month, and also the
eclipses (they are coming in March and September). Eclipses are new and full moons on
steroids. I explain everything in my reports to you in great detail. New and full moons are very
important for the timing of opportunities and events.
Trying to describe how I help readers understand astrology is a little like trying to describe
chocolate pudding to someone who has never seen or tasted it. At some point, you would need
to take a look at my monthly reports on at the start of a month (or, as some
people do, the end of the month to test how the aspects may have resonated with them). Take
a taste—I think you will love the advantage knowing astrology can give you.
I started my site on December 14, 1995, nearly 29 years ago. I now have 13 million unique
readers who yield 123,000,000 page views a year. I am the servant to my readers—I am here to
help and serve you.
Question: You’ve built an incredible platform as one of the most trusted names in astrology
in the world. When you look at your own chart and day-to-day life, how do you personally
use your chart to manage the ups and downs of life?
I look at the aspects and find ways to take advantage of the goods one—timing is critical in
astrology. I choose the best days to act, and I hold back when it is not favorable to act. I try to
keep my schedule light when I see a tough aspect coming so that I have the flexibility to address
it. Life can be a sweaty, messy experience, and we cannot control everything that happens, but
we can control how we react to those experiences.
Astrology is a fantastic tool for creative problem-solving. Instead of a self-help book giving you
only one course of action, astrology can generate several possible solutions, and you can
choose the one option that feels most right for you. Astrology can give some structure and the
confidence that you can handle anything that comes up. Astrology can also point out latent
talents that you can choose—to develop and help you find your true vocation in life.
Astrology has become increasingly popular among younger generations. What do
you think draws them to it, and how do you tailor your messages to resonate with a modern
As I gain maturity, I also have to stay young, vibrant, relevant, always curious about the world
and about trends. If I am to speak to multiple ages and generations, I must know what is on
their mind. I do two monthly sessions on where readers talk to me in a group
setting about dilemmas they face and the timing of aspects that might be helpful.
I truly care about the concerns of my readers. I go to where young people are based: I am on X
(Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, Blue Sky, and Discord almost every day, and I read the
comments of my followers. I stay curious, and I find that writing each month for foreign
magazines helps me compare the concerns of readers based in various cultures. (My website is
comprised of 48% US readers, and 52% of readers are based outside the US in 132 countries.
Source: Google Analytics.)
For someone new to astrology, what’s the best way to start understanding their birth chart
and integrating its lessons into daily life?
Get the time of your birth to the exact minute from your original birth certificate, and do your
natal chart on Read the interpretations. Check your monthly forecast for
your Sun sign and ascendant, and keep reading my forecasts for six months to see how
astrology is working in your own life.
Your new 2025 Calendar is coming out. Are there specific BIG dates coming in the
New Year that we all need to pay attention to?
Yes, here are some examples, and I have a box on the first page of all the important dates by
month: January 25: Venus trine Mars (Pisces-Cancer 22º)
A romantic weekend is in store. Venus adores being with her lover Mars, but they rarely are
within range of each other. Today they make a tender connection, and a flurry of red rose
petals will shower over you from heaven.
March 12: Sun conjunct Saturn (Pisces 22º) You may take on a new responsibility that requires discipline and hard work, but it will lead you
to later feel enormous pride in accomplishment. Accolades will flow from VIPs. As you learn the
ropes of your new role, you may be criticized. Use the feedback to grow, and don’t let the
words crush your spirit. June 4: Venus sextile Jupiter (Aries-Gemini 29º)
Gracious Venus will spread joy to all kinds of social activity tonight. Venus rules love, and
Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will enlarge the love you feel. Jupiter will also bring a yearning for fun and luxury—a 4-star day.
June 8: Mercury conjunct Jupiter (Gemini 29º). A 5-star aspect for negotiation, contracts, travel and transportation, logistics, and all
communication arts, from writing, editing, and speaking to app, web, game, and software
development June 24: The Luckiest Day of 2025
Jupiter’s meeting with the Sun creates this very best day of 2025. Schedule something difficult
to achieve on this day—make it something you would like to have an advantage or edge to capture your goal.
October 28: Mars trine Jupiter (Scorpio-Cancer 25º) A fantastic day when action leads to profit. You’ll be ready and eager to do battle with any
competitor and come out the winner. A 5-star day. There are too many key dates to list!
Also watch for news around the eclipses. On those dates of the calendar you will see an
explanation of each eclipse—there will be four of them in 2025.
March 13: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Virgo 24º)
A matter culminates, and Saturn adds a weighty overtone. Neptune may confuse the situation,
but Uranus and Mars are likely to bring an upbeat, surprise outcome. You may unexpectedly be
offered a responsibility you’ve long hoped to grasp. Let the dust settle first. Additionally, Venus
and Mercury both sextile Jupiter, which suggests there might be a celebration tonight.
March 29: New Moon Solar Eclipse (Aries 9º) A happy, enterprising eclipse that may propel you into an exciting new venture. Jupiter in
Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius will bolster and enlarge the eclipse’s benefits. News may come up
suddenly and offer attractive profit potential. Mars is the hero of this eclipse, friendly to
Uranus, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. Wow SEPTEMBER 7: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Pisces 15º)
Decision time. Saturn will be in an out-of-sign, sweet sextile to Uranus, a time to write a new
chapter in your life. Jupiter is the hero as he sends luck to the Sun and full moon. Neptune plays
a major role as visionary and hangs out with his new BFF, Uranus. Pluto is perfectly in sync with
Uranus too, and could increase profits. Business should be brisk, and it all may feel
overwhelming, so ask for help when you need it. September 21: New Moon Solar Eclipse (Virgo 29º)
This new moon has a serious tone due to Saturn. A close romantic relationship or business
collaboration may become a concern, requiring a quick decision. Several pertinent facts appear
to be hidden, so you’ll need to ferret them out. Mercury is in the lead—a positive surprise twist
in your favor is possible in the end thanks to Pluto’s and Uranus’ support of the Sun.
In my annual, limited edition, collectable Year Ahead Calendar 2025, I have personally written
16,000 words, so it is chock full of information. The perfect gift for a person in your life who is
intrigued by astrology. Get one for yourself too, for it will be your blueprint for your highly successful, satisfying year
Price $26.99 plus shipping. Sales tax applicable in New York State only. (Jane, see bar code on
the back cover)
Readers based in cities outside the US can order and receive the calendar. Susan will pay any
applicable Vat tax.
The calendar is printed with rich inks on thick archival paper. Some readers report they save
their favorite pieces and frame them after the year is over.
Susan’s calendar includes 13 months, starting from January 2025 through January 2026.
See a list of all the features on