Bedside Reading's mission is to get the maximum amount of visibility for our authors.
We have successfully placed and promoted books in luxury hotels across the country. With a combined reach of over 21,200,000 in print and digital media, we have mastered promoting our authors to the right audience. Our luxury hotels offer the books as a complimentary amenity to our 5-star hotel guests who are primarily high net-worth individuals-- CEOs, leaders, decision-makers, and influencers.
Here's a few examples of the ways we promote our authors in digital and print media.
We have successfully placed and promoted books in luxury hotels across the country. With a combined reach of over 21,200,000 in print and digital media, we have mastered promoting our authors to the right audience. Our luxury hotels offer the books as a complimentary amenity to our 5-star hotel guests who are primarily high net-worth individuals-- CEOs, leaders, decision-makers, and influencers.
Here's a few examples of the ways we promote our authors in digital and print media.