1.How does the program work?
Each month we place books in luxury hotels, and then we promote those books in the media, social media, and to our database. 2. What kind of books will you accept? Our books are carefully vetted. We want to make sure they are appropriate for the luxury hotel guests. Once we vet them the hotel has the final approval. We love fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, children/teens/YA, business, and lifestyle books. 3. I am a speaker and author, how will this help me? Why wouldn't you want to have your book be in the suite/room where the person who can hire you is staying? Why not be on his/her bedside table? This is a great opportunity for your book to be selling you and your workshop/product etc. 4. How many books do you need? Each hotel has a different requirement. The amount ranges from 50-400. The rate for insertion into our program remains the same regardless of the qty of books submitted. 5. Do you work with anyone who has a book? We work with all major publishers, indie-publishers, and authors. If a book is not a bestseller, we will make a decision based on a number of factors before we send it to the hotel for approval 6. Do you guarantee press? While we are not the editors of the media, our company has a long standing relationship with all of our magazines. We have always been successful in our press outreach. We generally receive around 25 million media impressions every month. Check out our media. A number of our hotel partners are proactive with pushing out our titles to their guests through social media and e-blasts. 7. What is the ROI? What can I expect from the program? If you are speaker, and you are in the hotel suite/room, you are that much closer to being in his/her vision. This is a marketing program. We are not selling anyone's books (that's the job of a book-seller). Our job is to bring attention to a book through a variety of ways. Placing books into the hands of influencers at hotels, placing the book in magazines through giveaways and reaching millions of people and direct marketing the books to our private database is where we put our efforts. We have seen books experience a surge of activity. We leave the collection of stats up to each author and publisher. Our clients (publishers) have been working with us for 17 years (through our other programs) and they are back again this year. Our authors and publishers are thrilled and excited to know that their titles are getting a tremendous amount of attention. High exposure for a reason rate. 8.What are your rates? Best to contact us [email protected] 9. What is the downside to doing this? Being an author is a business. It can be quite an investment to hire a PR team (and we recommend you do). However, we feel that there are so many books published, each year and you have so much competition, you need to be as proactive as you can to stand out. We believe our program is an inexpensive option to get noticed. |